First up, the necessary tech spec. Made by Konica (surprisingly enough), with a 35mm f2.8 Hexanon lens, ASA 25 through 400, scale focus at 1m/3ft, 1.5m/5ft, 3m/10ft and infinity. Built in pop-up flash, self timer arm above lens. Advance lever on top, rewind lever on bottom, as is an off-center tripod mount. Takes 2 AA batteries (which are essential for the camera to function, so take spares).
On first handling the camera, I found it to feel particularily 'right'. Although I haven't been able to find any information on this model, not through want of looking, I can tell you that the weight is well balanced; heavy enough to feel well made, but not hefty.
All the buttons are well placed, very easily accesible and not overly stiff or loose. The only exception to this is the timer lever above the lens, but then again you wont need to use this in a rush. I do however have a bit of a gripe about the shutter button. Given the fantastic build quality of this little camera, the button feels very plasticy, and there is very little resistance which makes it easy to fire off frames by accident (something I don't normally do).
The zone focusing on this thing is a charm; the dial is smooth and clicks satisfying into place. It has enough resistance that it is possible to tell if you turn it too far (or how far you've turned it) without having to look, but it is still smooth enough to do quite easily with two fingers.
There are two additional features that are nice extras which add a touch of class to an already lovely camera. First, on the back you will find an ASA/DIN conversion chart(see above). Secondly, when you open the back, the bottom of the spool holder pops out (see below), which is not such a big deal; however, when you close the back it pops back into place. That is a feature that really excites me far too much.
Finally, just to show you how beautifully this small, functional camera with a top lens in it functions, I'll show you a few shots from the test roll (out of date Fuji Superia 400) taken on a rather gloomy recent Tuesday.